Features the leaderboard of all the registered players in the netplay community
If you would like the view the current rankings. Please go to the discord and go into the #game-reports at which using the [!leaderboard] command will reveal the most up to date leaderboard rankings.
1v1 standard rules:
Must be played using the HackPack
Required Stadium removals: King Dedede; Target Flight; Kirby Melee 2;
No Slow Tempo
City Trial only
1v1 Optional Rules:
In game time (6, 7 or 8 minute games are advised)
High item frequency
Removal of stadiums as well as events
Matchmaking Rules:
Both players must agree to games being ranked. If one player does not deem the game as being an agreed upon ranked game then the round may be determined as illegitimate by a moderator.
If the result of a match is determined as and reported as a win for a given player. Then that game cannot be undone unless there was an critical error.
If a match is determined as "no contest" where a player quits for a given reason, the players are allowed to determine whether or not that game counts against the player who quits. If there is a dispute on the legitimacy then a leaderboard moderator will intervine and be the one to determine whether or not the game will count.
If both players agree on a no contest then it will remain that way. If one player changes their mind, then under agreement, all games prior will be undone to include the game and then re-established. However, If one of the players plays a ranked game after the fact with somebody other than the player that the no contest occured with, it is then too late rescind.
Additional info:
Score (ELO) is what determines your rank on the leaderboard
Each new addition to the leaderboard will start at 1000 Score
All games for the leaderboard should be played out inside the discord server, not through DMs
as an FYI, the ELO system works where the amount of score you gain/lose is dependant on the score of your apponent.
Oh yeah, its all done in the Kirby Air Ride Netplay discord server. Linked at the bottom of every page.